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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 10th International Symposium of the European Working Group of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (EWOG-MDS) and Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) in Childhood, which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from September 28-30, 2023.
From basic science to clinical care, the program highlights the novelties in SAA, MDS and predisposition syndromes, JMML and related disorders in children, adolescents and young adults.
This meeting will be an opportunity to promote networking, present new and exciting data and learn from experts in this fascinating field.
We invite young researchers and clinicians to share their work and take the opportunity to become an active part of the group.
Meeting the challenge “no child left behind”, and keeping the spirit of the last meeting in Athens, we hope to have a growing number of international participants and invite everyone to spread the word in their national societies.
With all that in mind, we hope to meet you in Lisbon!
Paula Kjöllerström M.D.
Chair of the Local Committee
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